"When I was 15, I was black-out drunk in a field while my parents thought I was at a friend's sleepover...My 15 year old can't even order a coffee unless it's through an app!" "I remember all-night raves, where you talked to loads of people...my kids can't even respond to a simple question without looking like startled rabbits." These kinds of comments are everywhere. Quite apart from why a grown adult thinks it's any kind of flex to admit to underage drinking and a potentially lethal lack of risk awareness, and ignoring the fact that not every elder millennial did get blackout drunk in the middle of nowhere, there does seem to be a real issue with a large percentage of Gen Z - again, as with everything, not all Gen Z - having a hard time dealing with casual adult interactions. So, what's going on? 1. Some people just aren't built with verbal communication in mind. It's not "anxiety" or a "disorder"; their commu...
A millennial, someone who is currently unemployed, trying to build up a business without any financial support, who is working class, and trans who isn't anti-capitalist??!!! Is that even possible?! On social media? Probably not. In real life... I suspect there are more of us than would ever let on. Currently, it's very much not cool to even suggest that you might think of capitalists as anything more than the absolute scum of the earth. If you don't literally want to shoot capitalists dead in the street, then what are you even doing thinking that you have any right to be in with the cool, right-side-of-history crowd? I'm not anti-capitalist. I've never been anti-capitalist. I am, however, vehemently anti-crapitaloser. What the heck is a crapitaloser?! Someone who merely identifies as a capitalist, but is incapable of genuinely living as one. Often, the crapitaloser knows they're not really a capitalist - it's just a coo...