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Showing posts from March, 2025

Why Can't Gen Z Handle Adult Interactions?

"When I was 15, I was black-out drunk in a field while my parents thought I was at a friend's sleepover...My 15 year old can't even order a coffee unless it's through an app!" "I remember all-night raves, where you talked to loads of kids can't even respond to a simple question without looking like startled rabbits." These kinds of comments are everywhere. Quite apart from why  a grown adult thinks it's any kind of flex to admit to underage drinking and a potentially lethal lack of risk awareness, and ignoring the fact that not every elder millennial did  get blackout drunk in the middle of nowhere, there does seem to be a real issue with a large percentage of Gen Z - again, as with everything, not all  Gen Z - having a hard time dealing with casual adult interactions. So, what's going on? 1. Some people just aren't built with verbal communication in mind. It's not "anxiety" or a "disorder"; their commu...