There's a lot of very impassioned discourse, particularly online, about how "problematic" age-gap relationships are, and the "dangers" of women under 25 dating men who are any more than 2yrs older than them. (Interestingly, there is very little said about men under 25 dating older women , and nothing, beyond the bigots' 'justifications' of their homophobia, about people in same-sex age-gap relationships - I have ideas on why the focus is on young women, but that's another blog post!) Personally, I feel that peoples' attitudes to age-gap relationships, like peoples' attitudes to many things, are determined by their experience; my grandparents and my parents both had a 10yr age gap, with the man being the older party - in my grandparents' case, my maternal grandmother was 19 when she married my 29yr old grandfather; their relationship lasted for 43yrs, until her death in 2004. Two sets of my parents' friends also had a 10yr ag...
The life and times of Ash Ford-McAllister, a blind trans man, writer, thinker, and (mostly) human.